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PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan Shares Nixxes To Begin Working On Bringing More PlayStation Titles To PC

In recent years, it appears that Sony Interactive Entertainment is loosening up towards the idea of its first-party releases and published titles coming to PC. Already, we witnessed first-hand with Horizon Zero Dawn, Death Stranding, and Days Gone hit the platform. Before that, the assortment of Quantic Dream titles from David Cage hit the platform as well if you forgot.

But, it appears the PlayStation company desired to pursue the venture independently without help from a third-part. Previously, it was reported that Sony Interactive Entertainment discarded a $200 million plan with Epic Games to port 4 – 6 projects from the PlayStation pipeline. Howbeit, the recent acquisition for Nixxes Software appears to be the last piece of the puzzle for Sony Interactive Entertainment to deliver its games to PC.

According to a new interview with Famitsu, which Video Game Chronicles nicely transcribed, Sony Interactive Entertainment President & CEO Jim Ryan shared Nixxes Software to commence work on providing more PlayStation titles to the PC platform. “[We’re] happy to be in the early stages of bringing our IP to the PC, and look forward to working with Nixxes to help us do that,” Ryan tells.

While Days Gone is already available for keyboard & mouse users, there was another title that was pressed to be on the schedule for Sony Interactive Entertainment. From a previous earnings report provided by corporate Sony, Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was listed to be another game planned for PC alongside the 2019 project from Bend Studio.

Provided the schedule for Sony Interactive Entertainment is to deliver more games to PC, more of the upcoming titles aimed for PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5 are being prolonged. According to a recent claim by GameBeat’s Jeff Grubb and corresponded with sources that spoke to Blomberg Tech’s Jason Schreier, Horizon Forbidden West is the next PlayStation exclusive to be delayed into 2022. You can read the full report by heading here.

What game do you hope Nixxes Software ports to PC first?

Source: Video Game Chronicles

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