Prima Games

Prima Games is shutting its doors

Posted on November 15, 2018 by Sergio

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Prima Games, the famed strategy guide publication, has ceased printing new titles and will discontinue sales this coming Spring. Ian Hudson, the CEO of its parent company DK Publishing wrote in a memo:

During a year-long extensive review, many new ways were explored to diversify Prima Games publishing; however, the dynamics for us of this fast-paced landscape have continued to prove difficult. This enormously dedicated team has made every effort to turn the business around, but challenging market conditions have unfortunately worked against them.

Its offices in Roseville (CA), Indianaopolis, and New York will be shut down.

Since 1990, Prima Games is known to have some of the most extensive and detailed strategies of any game, including Zelda, Ultra Street Fighter IV (under Brady Games), Super Mario OdysseyMass Effect 3Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, etc.

There was in time in which every gamer looked forward to having a strategy guide because not only it was detailed, it looked aesthetically-pleasing. These strategy guides had pictures, quick hints, maps, control schemes, all in which gamers can beat their favorites difficult games at the palm of their hands… for $25 each.

Unfortunately (yet unsurprisingly) for Prima Games (and strategy guides in general), the Internet (with its own detailed walkthroughs via text, videos, and streaming) made it very hard for them to keep up with up-to-the-minute and free strategies. Even with the availability of its eBooks, it’s impossible to beat free help and advice.

With the fall of Prima Games, it looks like strategy guides in general are becoming extinct. But for better or worse, the consumers have spoken, and they prefer a much quicker and cheaper method of conquering their favorites games.

Prima, you will be missed.


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Currently attending Mt. SAC for a certificate in Video Game Design. Really enjoy old school games. "Part-time" writer, forever gamer.