Review: Die After Sunset

Posted on August 15, 2023 by fncwill

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“… I couldn’t help but feel the game just got easier and easier, the powerups and items acquired made the game feel unbalanced, and as you played more and more you became overpowered even though the game is meant to have randomization between runs, it feels there is next to no level scaling. “

Developer – Playstark

Publisher – PQube Limited

Platforms – Xbox, Switch, PS5, PC (Reviewed)

Review copy given by Publisher

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is breaking news coming to you live from the year 2120. Earth is in an unprecedented crisis as an alien race, dubbed the ‘Murkors,’ has swept across every corner of our planet, wielding unimaginable power and… sporting some rather unconventional rubber duck hats. The valiant resistance has managed to hold its ground, fighting tooth and nail to prevent the annihilation of humanity. However, their tenacity might not hold out for much longer.

In a heart-pounding race against time, the fate of our world now rests on the shoulders of one individual – you, the all-mighty resolute defender of Earth. It’s your moment to rise, to level up, and to confront the relentless hordes of Murkor invaders before the sun sets on our hopes.

Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster as you dive into an action-packed roguelite shooter. Brace yourselves for an experience where no run is ever like the last. With each playthrough, you’ll find yourself in new and unexpected locations, embarking on randomized quests that will keep you on your toes. And let’s not forget the rush of collecting powerful items that will transform you into an unstoppable force.

In “Die After Sunset,” the character choice is pivotal to your success. Whether you prefer the calculated accuracy of April, the brute force of Rido, or the unpredictable powers of Hune, each character offers a unique and exhilarating gameplay experience.

  1. April – The Sharp-Shooter Extraordinaire: April is a master of precision on the chaotic battlegrounds, boasting unmatched aiming skills. With a high-caliber rifle as her primary weapon, she excels at eliminating enemies from a distance with pinpoint accuracy. When the situation intensifies, April’s special attack unleashes a relentless barrage of shots, annihilating anything in her path. A strategic choice for players who favor calculated tactics and long-range combat.
  2. Rido – The Half-Man-Half-Cyborg Arsenal: Rido embodies sheer firepower, empowered by cybernetic enhancements that grant him immense strength and resilience. His primary weapon, a formidable machine gun, enables him to effortlessly mow down waves of enemies in close quarters. Rido’s special attack delivers a devastating energy blast, wreaking havoc on foes within its range. Ideal for players who thrive in intense, close-combat scenarios and seek to leave a path of destruction.
  3. Hune – The Murkor Experiment Gone Wrong: Hune’s mysterious and tragic origins create an intriguing character dynamic. Born from Murkor experimentation, he wields unique combat abilities that defy convention. Armed with a specialized energy scythe, Hune excels at slicing through enemies with finesse in close combat. His Murkor DNA-infused special attack releases a chaotic energy burst, capable of obliterating multiple foes at once. Hune offers an unpredictable playstyle, catering to those who relish adapting to ever-changing circumstances.

From playing I definitely found Rido to be my least favorite, with Hune being my go-to most runs ,I’ve always enjoyed close combat though so this might just be my preference and play-style liking more then a lack of character development .

In the midst of Waikiki Beach, a confrontation with the formidable Murkors awaits you shortly after your arrival. As a defender, vigilance is key – embrace the light and wage your battles within its embrace. The Murkors, drawing strength from shadows, thrive in size and power. Your strategic advantage lies in positioning yourself under the radiant sun’s glow, keeping both you and your adversaries bathed in its brilliance. Don’t forget your standard-issue sun cream to endure the blazing light.

During your run , you’ll also Uncover hidden treasures and undertake missions to amplify your arsenal and capabilities. Swiftly seize the opportunity to gather resources before the sun descends, for your triumph against Murkor bosses hinges on this preparation. Acquired items can bestow a spectrum of enhancements, ranging from nimble double jumps to potent armaments like the formidable Refreshing Ray – a weapon far from refreshing for the Murkors.

As Murkors fall in battle, gather the elusive ‘Mucus’ they leave behind – a unique currency that fuels your progression. With a burgeoning ‘Mucus’ reserve, you can enhance your abilities through leveling trees, ensuring your strength escalates with every endeavor.

After playing the game for hours into the sunset, I couldn’t help but feel the game just got easier and easier, the powerups and items acquired made the game feel unbalanced, and as you played more and more you became overpowered even though the game is meant to have randomization between runs, it feels there is next to no level scaling. The game is alright, but not something I see most coming back to play over and over again after a few hours of play.

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