Review: Final Fantasy XVI

Posted on June 20, 2023 by Rectify Gaming

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  • 9.5/10
    Total Score - 9.5/10


Final Fantasy XVI is a triumph that firmly moves Final Fantasy forward for a new generation.

Developer –Square Enix

Publisher – Square Enix

Platforms – PS5

Review copy given by publisher

Final Fantasy XVI, the highly anticipated installment in the legendary franchise, surpasses all of my expectations as a master class of Action-RPG excellence. Developed by the talented team at Square Enix, Final Fantasy XVI showcases the genre’s evolution, delivering a breathtaking experience that will captivate long time fans and newcomers alike.

From the moment you embark on your journey, Final Fantasy XVI immerses you in a visually stunning world that pushes the boundaries of the series. This grounded, M-rated experience pushes the visuals to bloody heights. The meticulously crafted landscapes, intricately designed characters, and awe-inspiring Eikon spell effects create a feast for the eyes. Square Enix’s commitment to pushing graphical boundaries is evident in every frame, resulting in a game that is a true visual marvel.

But Final Fantasy XVI isn’t just a feast for the eyes; it’s a symphony for the ears. The hauntingly beautiful musical score, composed by the brilliant Masayoshi Soken, enhances every moment of the game, perfectly capturing the emotions and atmosphere of each scene. From stirring battle anthems to poignant character themes, the music elevates the storytelling to new heights, leaving a lasting impact on players long after they put down the controller. If you have touched FF XIV, then you are familiar with their work. For new players, prepare to have a complex OST that always elevates the action to that next level.

Speaking of storytelling, Final Fantasy XVI delivers a captivating, epic, and intimate narrative. The game introduces a vast and intricately woven tapestry of political intrigue, familial drama, and personal growth. Clive Rosfield, the loyal and honroable prince. Cid, the rebel fighting for a better future, and Jill, childhood companion and trusted ally of Clive. They are joined by Torgal, a loyal wolf who is essential to combat. The characters are richly developed, each with their motivations, fears, and desires, making them feel like real individuals with whom players can forge deep connections. The writing is superb, blending moments of heart-wrenching emotion with clever wit and moments of levity. The voice acting is top-notch, further breathing life into the characters and making their journey all the more immersive.

This narrative is dark, grim, and features themes not often tackled by a Final Fantasy. Some moments were shocking, and if you played the demo, you might have an idea of what we are speaking of.

In terms of gameplay, Final Fantasy XVI strikes a new path forward with a heavy dose of action-focused experience. The heavy combat focus was initially worrying, as my handicap makes it difficult to keep up with face paced gameplay. Thankfully, the Story focused option and the Timely Accessories kept me in the fight, even when things got hard.The combat system seamlessly blends real-time action with strategic counters, offering players various abilities, magic spells, and Eikon abilities to unleash upon their foes. The intuitive controls and smooth animations make battles a joy to experience, and the challenging difficulty ensures that victory is hard-earned and immensely satisfying. 

The character progression system is a bit lacking. You are never in control of your party, and Clive can only equip three accessories and three pieces of gear, and its all pretty simple and straightforward. Most of the complexity lies in the choice of Eikons and abilities you decide to equip, rather than RPG elements like skill points and party management.

Final Fantasy XVI also excels in its world-building. The vast open world is teeming with captivating side quests, hidden treasures, and memorable NPCs. Every corner of the map tells a story, and players will find themselves fully engrossed in exploring its intricacies. The attention to detail is astounding, with every town, dungeon, and landscape exuding a distinct sense of place and history. The story is long and complex, and although it gets close to venturing into save the world from the ultimate doom style of narrative, it wisely sidesteps that and manages to keep the story intimate even through the ending.

While the game’s technical performance is generally excellent, there have been occasional bouts of slowdown, even with the day-one patch installed. However, these issues do not detract significantly from the overall experience and can be expected to be addressed through future updates and patches.

In conclusion, Final Fantasy XVI is a true next-generation entry to the king of the RPG genre. With its breathtaking visuals, enchanting music, compelling storytelling, and engaging gameplay, it is a journey that will resonate with players long after the final credits roll. Whether you are a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer to the world of Final Fantasy, this game is an absolute must-play.

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