Halo Infinite’s Plasma Pistol will finally EMP vehicles again in a new update

Posted on April 24, 2024 by Tyler Nienburg

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343 Industries held a Community Livestream that showed what will be coming to its new update ‘Operation: Banish Honor‘ releasing April 30. The update will bring The Exchange, allowing you to get past customization items that were from special events. There will be a new Operation Pass and some other fixes coming. One of the long-awaited features coming back to Halo Infinite is the ability to EMP vehicles with the Plasma Pistol.

halo infinite plasma pistol can emp vehicles

You could never EMP Vehicles with the Plasma Pistol in Halo Infinite?

From the day Halo Infinite launched, 343 Industries took out the ability to EMP vehicles with the Plasma Pistol. This was something that could be done in every Halo game in the past and the only way to do it in Halo Infinite was to use a Shock weapon.

When April 30 arrives you will finally be able to use the Plasma Pistol like it was in Halo 3, Halo: Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 5: Guardians, and stunning a vehicle. The iconic weapon will finally be useful when it comes to Big Team Battle and other custom game modes.

Here is a video of the livestream shared by iSpiteful of it being used:

Halo Infinite does not feature seasons anymore as of January 30, 2024, and instead there will be content updates that will have Operations. These Operations will feature a free pass of around 20 to 30 levels providing some cosmetic items for your Spartan.

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Tyler ‘Tyboy’ Nienburg released Rectify Gaming back on December 17th, 2013.Feel free to contact the head of Rectify at Tyler@Rectifygaming.com